Two recent incidents made me sit up and think whether the world is heading for better days.

First was related to the 2008 US Presidential elections. Two nominations from the Democrats - Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. The former is a definite favourite in this elections and the latter has displayed a rising popularity in recent times. If one of these two gets elected, it'll be history in the making in US. The American citizens have a distinct possibility of electing either their first woman President or the first black (no offence meant here) President.

Second one was the appointment of Raleb Majadele as the first Israeli-Arab in the Israeli cabinet. This is seen as a positive step in bringing proportionate representation for Israeli Arabs, who form about 20% of Israel population, in the cabinet (though as a Minister without a portfolio). However, some section of people feel that Israel has an ulterior motive in appointing an Arab cabinet minister.
Whatever said and done, are these two events an indication of the things to come - a better world in terms of equality and equal opportunities?