Saturday, February 10, 2007

MS-Word for posting Blogs? NEVER!!!

The previous post might have been amusing for some people, but had it been successful it'd have made life easier for lazy bums like me. The use of MS-Word for posting into the blog is a waste of time, and risky too.

  1. To post pictures into the blog, the URL of image provider is needed. Somehow I couldn't find this address for Blogspot. Some may suggest that pictures can be posted using Picassa, but that's another waste of time. I can post max of 1 picture per blog through Picassa.
  2. Thinking myself to be very smart, I just inserted some pictures, some Word Art and some graphs into the Word document assuming that it'll somehow be displayed on the blog. This was an utter failure.
  3. Use of special formatting like dotted underline, double strikethrough and special effects like shadow, engrave and emboss seem to work fine in the Word Doc, but not in the final post. However subscripts, superscripts and normal formatting stuffs like bold, italics, highlighting etc were working fine.
  4. Special characters like Greek alphabets, sadly were converted to English alphabets.
  5. Last, but the most important, posting a blog from MS-Word is very very risky. Anyone can actually monitor and find out the User Name and Password - the data is sent through an unencrypted connection.
Conclusion: The underlying principle of wysiwyg is lost if one uses MS-Word. Add to this the security risks, I wonder why such an option was provided in MS-Word.

And more important, is there a way to post blogs directly from a client application residing on my comp? Not the "Performancing" stuff that comes as an add-on with Firefox. It's too cumbersome. I'm looking for something similar to a Word application from where I'll be able to post whatever I want.

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