Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Blog Action Day

Today, I came across a site which plans to unite all bloggers around the globe with the concern for environment in mind. On October 15, every blogger registered in this site will post an article related to the environment. Here is the banner promoting the Blog Action Day.

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Personally, I found this concept of uniting people for a common issue (faced every living thing on this planet) very appealing. Right now I'm thinking of a topic on which I can post. Lot of things come to my mind - initiatives in college to ensure that printing paper is not wasted, the rain-water harvesting equipment that every house in Chennai is fitted with in order to save the fast depleting ground water resource, my personal experience of the acute water scarcity that Chennai faced at the turn of the millennium and the subsequent actions taken to resolve this, initiatives taken in my apartments to have a healthy environment and hygienic surroundings and a lot more.

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